Top 10 Most Popular Words of the Year
Celebrities, baby names, and vacation cities aren't the only thing that get rated. Words can be ranked, too, thanks to the power of the Internet. Each year, Merriam-Webster Inc. compiles a list of the most popular words using a fairly simple technique. Which words, excluding profanity, were the most researched on its dictionary Web sites?
The No. 1 most popular word in 2004 is: blog. And it's not even in the "real" dictionary--yet. Blog, shorthand for "Web log," will be added to the 2005 version of the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. Beginning in July, "blog" received tens of thousands of hits each month on Merriam-Webster sites. Reuters has its own take on the power of blogs, saying, "Freed from the constraints that govern traditional print and broadcast news organizations, blogs spread gossip while also serving as an outlet for people increasingly disenchanted with mainstream media."