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If I may give my humble observations:

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Nikepallas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 11:51 PM
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If I may give my humble observations:
I was with my nieces this evening- - coming down from out of state to visit along with her parents--who have stated proudly that they voted for Bush and find he has done no wrong for this country.
The nieces for some reason find me to be like a big kid. each trying to grab my hand or fingers pulling me in the directions they wanted me to follow them in. I don't mind really. I have always played with children and really enjoyed watching them play and learn about their world. I watched as their eyes sparkle in delight as they discover something I -an adult- take for granted. I sometimes wonder if when I or other adults speak to them do they hear our voices or do they hear the Blah Blah Blah so often heard in an Charlie Brown cartoon.

Then as I sit their playing with them I think about all that is happening in the world and I fear for their futures. What is this country going to be like for them? Will they have the freedom I once had as a child or will they grow up in a world fearing that if they do something wrong they will be hurt. Will they have the chance to stand up and say: "Mr. Representative you are not speaking for me". "Mr. President you are wrong". Will they still be able to dream about becoming a Doctor, artist or even President?

I have myself am struggling to get through life. I had some bad misfortunes and am trying to play caught up with bills and the like and finding those on the other end do not care about my hardship they would drain the blood from my body just to get their money. I am began to wonder how tough will their lives be. Will they have to work two full time job,if they are to be found, along with their husbands or partners just to meet the poverty level?

Will they find that they are no longer able to pick where they live or who they marry or if they are allowed to speak to their aunt jailed indefinitely for speaking out against injustice. Will they be able to pick their religion or speak their minds?

I sigh and tell myself not to think so negatively and see them as the happy bright eye children I sit with this evening. I refused to allow myself to ignore the wish to keep them safe and innocent of this world but then in my mind I hear a certain "President" assisting that this is a new world and a new war a new and dangerous enemy--the problem my niece's parents and others in this country do not see is that their enemy is the paranoid ideas raging in their mind which blinds them to the truth...Their is still good, hope, and love in this world that must be embraced and nurtured before it dies completely.

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Bok_Tukalo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 11:56 PM
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1. The Reagan Revolution will meet its children.
And they will rebel.
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lib_1138 Donating Member (143 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 11:58 PM
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2. so sad nt
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smbolisnch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:00 AM
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3. My mother seems to think some grand cycle will come about.
I don't have children yet, but have often wondered the same things you are talking about.

My mother always says, things will turn aroundto what, I'm not quite sure.... I don't know how much I agree with the sentiment at all, but I am pretty optimistic that once we get through the next 4 years we will be able to make changes that will benefit future generations for years to come.
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Lex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:08 AM
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4. Thank you for sharing your observations . . .
I have a 9 year old nephew and we're pretty close (I don't have any kids of my own) and when I see his beautiful face, and feel him slip his little hand into mine, I wonder if he'll be sent to fight and die in some never-ending religious/republican war against everyone else in the world, and it just tears my guts apart to think of it.

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