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I'm having a pity party and I'm the only one that showed up.

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Minimus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:44 AM
Original message
I'm having a pity party and I'm the only one that showed up.
Please excuse me while I ramble. And please excuse me for being "Debbie Downer". I cannot sleep because my mind will just not shut down tonight. Even my Xanax/Percocet cocktail is not working. Also my 9 mo pup has decided she doesn't want to sleep so she just keeps jumping on me and biting me.

I guess I do have another guest at my pity party if you include her. But she does not seem to be pitying me.

Okay, I know things could be worse and I am definitely trying hard to keep positive. But let's recap what is going on in my life right now.

Dec 1 - had to put my 13 yo dog to sleep, held him while they gave him the injection and I relive that moment over and over everyday.

Jan 1- husband moved out with short notice and took my 3 yo dog with him. Husband may turn out to be a jerk, but for now I am a little distraught over his leaving and I definitely miss the dog he took.

Alright, now time for the pep talk. Please feel free to add to these phrases of wisdom:

Pull yourself up by your shoe-straps!
Snap out of it!
You have much to be grateful for
Keep a positive attitude
Everything is unfolding as it should
Do something kind for someone else, it will make you feel better

Anybody out there have anything to add?
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SoDesuKa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:47 AM
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1. Reward for Dog?
Negotiate joint custody of the dog. You don't sound like you miss the husband, but you miss the dog. Work on what can be accomplished.
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Maple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:48 AM
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2. It's a major life trauma
having your husband move out. Your stress levels are normal.

Take time to mourn, and feel sorry for yourself.

You won't snap out of it with catchy phrases. Only time will get you past this.

Relax...this is how it works. Go with the flow.
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yvr girl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:49 AM
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3. I'm going to venture off the page
Life sucks and you had a terrible holiday season. I think in a few months that you will be glad that changes have been made in your life (well maybe not the dog) but it's going to take time.

This too shall pass. One step at a time - that's all you have to do.
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candle_bright Donating Member (584 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:50 AM
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4. I have something to add
One day you'll look back at the pup you have now, and laugh about her antics. The stuff she chewed, got into, and messed with. Get your camera out, take pictures, and they will make you smile later. :)

(I'm not trying to minimize the other stuff, but you wanted a pep-talk!) :)
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ott Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 12:53 AM
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5. You can survive anything.
All you have to do is let hardship knock a few screws loose.

:) ... and yes, it can always be worse.

Hugs to you. (((Minimus)))
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