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Lottery Winner Finally Comes Forward - AFTER Getting A Divorce

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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 10:48 AM
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Lottery Winner Finally Comes Forward - AFTER Getting A Divorce

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- It took Robert G. Swofford Jr. more than a month to come forward and claim his $60 million Lotto prize, but he had to take care of some unfinished business -- divorcing his wife.

Swofford, a postal worker from Seminole County, claimed his prize on Tuesday in a $34.7 million lump sum payout, ending weeks of mystery about who won the Nov. 24 drawing.

Swofford, 53, and his wife separated three years ago. But two weeks after the winning numbers were announced, Ann Swofford served him with divorce papers and claimed a share of the prize.

Just before Christmas, the Swoffords and their lawyers hammered out an agreement. His wife will get $5.25 million and $1 million will be set aside to support their 11-year-old son. In return, she agreed not to seek any more of Swofford's winnings.

Swofford said he remembered reading about a divorce case where a lottery winner kept it a secret and was penalized in court.
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Inland Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 11:39 AM
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1. Your thread title is unfair!
It seems that the husband was not trying to hide his winnings.
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