Here's the update. I'll give you the bottom line first: Most likely scenario is Meniere's Syndrome.
The doctor checked my ear, but could not see any fluid, meaning there is no buildup in the outer ear. There is a possibility there could be some fluid/blockage in the Eustachian tube, causing the feeling of fullness. The other possibility (and the more likely one) is that there is fluid in the inner ear (which would indicate Meniere's).
He ran me through several checks to rule out possible brain issues, and as expected, I responded normally in all cases.
He gave me a nasal steroid to try for a week, along with a method of trying to "pop" the ear. If the fluid is in the Eustachian tube, that should work. I don't really think that's the case and neither does Dr. C, but it's worth a shot.
I am also to go on a caffeine-free, low-sodium diet. If the fluid is in the inner ear and I have Meniere's, this should clear it up. Meniere's is triggered by reactions to caffeine and sodium. That also explains my mother's issue. She had the same problem when she was about my age. She never drank coffee, but she had a cup of cocoa for breakfast every morning. When she stopped having cocoa every day, her symptoms went away. She will still have chocolate occasionally as a treat, but she keeps Sudafed on hand in case of a reaction. After several visits to HER doctor, she hit on the chocolate thing because her mother had had the same thing. I told this to Dr. C, and he said it would likely be the caffeine in the chocolate bothering my mother. He also said there is a genetic component to Meniere's.
I have an audiogram and ENG scheduled for two weeks from now. IF the caffeine-free, low-sodium diet works and I'm feeling much better, I don't have to go through with the tests (and I have a feeling that's how it will work out). In either case, the doctor wants to see me in three weeks to follow up.
When he told me about the sodium connection, I remembered what I'd eaten just before the most severe dizzy attack came on the other night. I'd had Starbucks all weekend, plus we had Chinese food on New Year's Day, and I had the leftovers for lunch on Saturday. That certainly could have triggered a spell.
So, we'll see what happens with the diet change in the next couple of weeks. I love Chinese food and movie popcorn, but if I have to give them up in order to feel normal again, so be it.