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Need a DUer with Paypal to help me out

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karlrschneider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 10:08 PM
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Need a DUer with Paypal to help me out
I changed banks and having some trouble getting 'verified'...what I need is someone to make a Paypal transfer to my Paypal account. I can't seem to find anyone in my boondock neighborhood who has one. If any of you guys are willing to help me out, let me know at I'll send a USPS money order for ... $100 or more if you'll keep 5% and xfer the remainder to me...

Yes, I know this sounds goofy but I live way out from any town and it's a major pain to get into town. My home phone is 918 462 7587 (I'm a very longtime DUer and have never attempted to be anonymous, as many of you know, I use my real, actual name here...)
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amandae Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-05-05 10:31 PM
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1. Locking
Please ask for permission to post this in the "Ask the Administrators" forum before posting it again.

By the way, it is never a good idea to give such personal information (like your phone number) out on message boards.

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