Anyone else enjoying the new Late late show?
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Thu Jan-06-05 03:52 AM
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Anyone else enjoying the new Late late show? |
With Craig Ferguson. I still love Conan the best, but while he's in reruns I am finding Craig very enjoyable and I'm happy he got the job.
And that Scottish accent is so sexy. :7
Webster Green
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Thu Jan-06-05 03:53 AM
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1. We were just saying the same thing..... |
Kilborn was such an asshole egomaniac.
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Thu Jan-06-05 03:55 AM
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2. Oh god I know! He always seemed so rough to me, his voice, |
the way he acted. x(
Craig is so warm and friendly to the guests, its really refreshing.
Radical Activist
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Thu Jan-06-05 04:26 AM
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I think its funny. I always assume its an act, but it probably isn't. I haven't seen the new guy.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:37 AM
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