Will Pitt should come to Annapolis or Baltimore
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Mon Sep-29-03 10:53 AM
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Will Pitt should come to Annapolis or Baltimore |
I would love to come out and see you speak.
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Mon Sep-29-03 12:04 PM
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1. How to get Will Pitt to come to your neck of the woods |
From someone who's already done it.
Simple - find a group that'll sponser Will to come to your area is probably the easiest way to do it. You'll need a meeting room, ground transportation and if you're far from Boston area - overnight accomadations.
Have your people contact Will's people and they'll find a time they can work out for you to have him come to your area.
We made it happen in Wilmington Delaware and through our lecture we're making it happen for a peace group in West Chester PA in december.
It's easy, really it is!
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Mon Sep-29-03 12:25 PM
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2. Yep - Will just doesn't show up... |
It takes someone, or a group of someones, in an area to put together a tour stop.
You meet a lot of good people, and learn a lot. Do it! You'll be happy you did.
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 03:30 AM
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