Just finished watching this movie. I definitely recommend it.
Here's some things that stuck out to me
* I was actually surprised at how little assistance the boys were given once they arrived in the US. They didn't really seem to have a mentor or anyone assisting them in the daily things. That being said, they seemed to figure it out.
* I was surprised, actually shocked at how nice the people were to them. One of the boys, Peter, attends high school in Kansas and the kids were very inclusive and welcoming.
* Not surprisingly, their boss at Walmart tells them that since it's hot in Africa the boys could work in heat gathering the carts.
* Their attitudes and comments about the American black people were interesting. It's as though even before they arrived they were prejudiced.
* I thought it was really sad that the boys felt they needed to forget their African culture when they arrived.
Any comments or opinions from those who say it?