Yesterday I called, telling her of the neurosurgeon who bluntly asked if I had been dianogsed with schizophrenia.
Today I had my visit with the counselor.
She gave me this lecture on knee-jerking and trying to see the other person's perspective, saying how the neurosuregon was thinking of this and that (gee, was the counselor there at the time? Nope.) and how I was wrong for perceiving the neurosurgeon's comment and tone of voicem even though I followed up the counselor's statement with more questions asking why the neurosurgeon simply not be upfront with me instead of making blind accusations.
She also talked to my psychiatrist. He had told her that it is possible for a MRI to show signs of problems in a person who has a history of mental illness.
Guess what? I turned to the neurologist because THEY would know for sure. And, as usual, they readily refused what these psychiatric QUACKS are trying to peg me with. (Am I paranoid? You fucking bet. I've been misdiagnosed for years and, not having been at the scene, these psycho-robots blindly siding with the other person and making me look the fool. Yes, neurosurgery is a big thing. Duh. But if I'm getting statements from the neurosurgeon's own staff saying that the MRI is okay for use and there is no standard between the quality a neurologist needs and a neurosuregon needs, and that an MRI will certainly NOT show mental illness abnormalities, then somebody is lying to me. Now, who is lying? The neurologist recommended to me by a close friend who had good results? The neurosurgeon who quickly decided that the MRI charts (both of them) were blurry and then asked me about my mental health; a totally IRRELEVANT issue? Or the counselor, who I've been totally forthcoming with, who I've had to repeat myself to?)
My parents (yes, I'm 32 and I still talk with my parents, so what? :-) ) said I should just stop visiting. Maybe they're right. But up until today, this new counselor bothered to listen to me and treat me with some intelligence. Compared to the psychiatrist (who I have a witness who saw how he treated me and she's hopping mad, by the way) and ever other mental health paint-by-numbers "practitioner" out there, this new counselor is worthy of having her request to tell her that I don't want to see her anymore is one I will grant. Oddly enough, I do respect her that much.
So, that's the question: Do I want until my next session to tell her that her psychiatrist coworker is WRONG, or do I call her tomorrow and tell her to tell the psychiatrist the MRI-related information?
I'm just tired of having my chain yanked and being mistreated. And they speak to me of perspectives. Maybe they all should listen to their patients' perspectives a little more? We have perspectives too, and that doesn't make us schizo-anything.
Oh, upon my request for a MMPI, she referred me to a doctor. Told me to call that clinic and mention her name and the doctor's. The receptionist at that clinic said that that doctor deals with children only. (You'd think that the counselor might have said something in advance so I wouldn't be the one looking like an idiot? Lord knows, it might affect her too - assuming she doesn't act like a typical human and spin some words to play innocent. :-) That's the beauty of being a doctor in the mental health field. All the patients are categorized with something so they can screw around or screw up all they want and can make themselves look right in the end. If only my PDA didn't break down, I would have reported the idiot I used to have for his gross misconduct, no I'm not over that incident either, he totally did not listen. :grr: )
The sad part is, I've dealt with both of them at this new clinic. I think they're both knowledgeable. And (overall) nice people. But things are out of control and they are blowing things out of proportion, which in turn is making me only that much angrier and out of emotional control. Is that what they want?