are not just using our aid money to rebuild. They're using this money to build WHAT THEY NEVER HAD. We will get JACK for credit and less in goodwill, since it's common knowledge that the U.S. 'caused' the quake and is being 'stingy' already. And Bush just decided to hand over the works to the U.N. to run, so now we KNOW it's going to go to the right cause. /blistering, third-degree-burn-raising, sarcasm
It is disgusting. The Tsunami Shakedown continues, worthy of Jesse Jackson, and good-hearted Americans continue to be duped by nations which continue to grossly inflate the damage numbers--much of it posh resort infrustructure that was insured--to generate guilt in the West and rob the aid money with the U.N.'s willing participation. DON'T GIVE A PENNY--it will only go towards funding Muslim governments, anti-U.S. N.G.O.'s and wealthy tourist interests. It is really sad to see American schoolchildren get duped by this corrupt swindle, as they really do mean well. As far as Bush, I have given up hope, as he seems only interested in making everyone like him these days.