I have to take a class and I am basically down to two choices. One class is a “Free Speech” class.
Major issues surrounding the role of speech, press, and electronic media in society. Areas of study include the history of free speech/press issues in society, the role of the government in regulating the marketplace of ideas, and the responsibility of the individual in a free society.
The other class is an “Economics and Public Policy Class”. I have already looked at the syllabus and this class is a fringe-right economics class. The first reading is by Hayek. I am very familiar as this Chicago School of economics is what fuels Libertarian ideology and Republicans at least talk about it (though they only implement it partially).
This class uses the failures of communism to advance complete government elimination (as opposed to a moderate viewpoint).
I’ve already read one of the readings (on environment) and it blames the “Love Canal” disaster 100% on government. The class also appears to be very anti-regulation equating it with oppression.
I don’t know if I am ready for 4 months of “Liberal ideology sucks, government sucks, bow to capitalism”, but isn’t this the way to test our ideas out? Challenge?
My question is this. I am going to have to jump through some hoops to get into the Free Speech class, but can waltz right into the Econ class. Should I make the effort to avoid maybe making myself crazy, or should I crawl into the belly of the beast?