She is just an opportunist, not a true woman of the left.
She was one of the most rabid right-wing-nut talking heads on conservative radio before her hubbie was outed, and didn't convert to a progressive until she was no longer sought after as a RRWN talking head.
Yes, I know she supposedly had a conversion when her hubbie was outed. I'm sorry, but I am not so easily fooled...
Here are some of Arianna's quotes and positions from the 90's:
Cheney to the Rescue- Dec, 31, 1996
Arianna suggested that the House select Dick Cheney to replace Newt Gingrich as Sleazer of the House, despite the fact that Cheney was no longer a member of the House!
Barbarians Inside The Gates- November 25, 1996
Arianna parrots the discredited Newt Gingrich stories about dumpster babies being found all across America.
Margaret Thatcher, Newt Gingrich and The Renewal Alliance- December 05, 1996
Arianna waxes poetic about The Renewal Alliance, headed by Sens. Rick Santorum, Dan Coats, John Ashcroft and Spencer Abraham, and Reps. Jim Talent, J.C. Watts, David McIntosh and John Kasich.
A Mandate To Nowhere- November 07, 1996
Arianna writes "The good news is that Republicans kept control of Congress." She goes on to write "Who will set the priorities in the crucial weeks ahead? There are those, like John Kasich, Jim Talent and J.C. Watts in the House and Dan Coats, Rick Santorum and John Ashcroft in the Senate, who are clear about what the priorities should be. But will they prevail?"
"The good news is that Republicans kept control of Congress."
Should I repeat that a hundred times or so???
And once again, her heroes are some of the most right-wing members of CONgress.
Tricking The Elderly, Treating The Clinton Campaign- October 24, 1996
Arianna says the AFL-CIO had "become masterful at the black art of frightening swing voters. And their horror story of choice is Medicare. "
She went on to say "The Democratic demagoguery on Medicare is one of the most irresponsible acts in American campaign history. ...
Where Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Come Together- April 04, 1996
Arrianna makes it clear she only supports late term abortions when the life, not the health, of a mother is at risk. I need to post more??? A zebra can't change her stripes. Yes, maybe she can bleach the stripes, but they are still there...