was a beautiful day, weatherwise. The DWAL (Dem women) are going to sell flowers at the local Herb/Art Fest in our town so we went even further into repuke country (Fredrickburg, Tx.) to shoot some pictures and get some input from the place we are getting our plants. We went in and ask that they call our contact and tell her that the Democratic Women were here. The other women in my group went to look around and the very adorable young woman behind the counter with the really cute face and smile, asked me if I said "Democrat". She was whispering. I said yes and waited. She said that she was a fairly hew voter but that she was never voting for repukes again, that they were doing her wrong. I said great and prepared to go about my business, when another young woman begin to talk about the job situation and about how women were being kept down by places like wal-mart. I told them both that as a feminist (and a human, but I didn't say that), I have always felt that this was wrong and something that needed to be changed. The first young woman said that "feminist" used to be a bad word. We were pretty much talking loudly at this point. I went into my usual rant about all the women who are where ever they are today (including the likes of Ann C. and the Condos and Kaye Baileys, etc.) having taken advantage of all the work and strength and fortitude of the feminists that have gone before. That these women (and men) got them the "VOTE" and all the rights and privileges that they have and abuse today and that all of these freedoms some from those "feminists". The other ladies that I was with came and got me for a picture but I left with a great feeling of pride and power. Our cause is good and right and we are here to stay and to make a difference to all people and we are being heard. It was actually a good day for Democrats in Texas.