treated me...
She got on my case about not seeing the neurosurgeon's "perspective" and it's all a matter of "perception" and such. The counselor then took what I said and spun it into HER OWN interpretation of events. Now I was at the neurosurgeon's office. My counselor was NOT. The neurosurgeon did not tell me WHY she was asking if I had certain mental/emotional conditions. To me, that means there was no relevant reason why she was asking. She outright asked if I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and not said why. She did whip out the MRI chart of my neck (I've two for the neck) and quickly dismissed them both as being too blurry... more on that in a moment...
Oh, I've been keeping notes on everybody. This new counselor is definitely getting closer into my "quack" category and I am going to tell their management, if not anything more serious,when the time comes. (A coworker says I have good cause for a lawsuit at this point, given the "treatment" I've gotten from 2 counselors, 2 psychiatrists, 1 dermatogist (she never listened, she was already pre-decided on what tshe thought was the issue but that;s nothing compared to everything else), and 2 general practitioners. I am fed up. Royally.
And (another) co-worker is a witness to how my current counselor AND current psychiatrist have treated me. Let's just say I'm gratified, because who knows what these shysters would have done instead. (they accused me of "playing it up" regarding my actions 3 weeks ago. They dragged me in and I was out of it. I FINALLY remembered what happened at the end of the counselor visit; I recall getting up and walking out on my own. And I did it slowly. (it was also 45 minutes later, and by then it's fair to assume that the klonopin I'd taken would have started wearing off.) I did not act as if I was fully on my feet again because I sure as hell was not. On my next visit, the counselor had the nerve to tell me I might have been faking some of it. BULL. I can't even remember most of what happened that day, and I've a lot of witnesses who can say what happened to me that morning. I estimate I was unconscious between 2 and 3 HOURS. (when I first made that assertion to the counselor, and said it was a GUESS, she took it as being a literal truth and was quick to snap and (politely) ask why I came to that conclusion. I told her what had happened before I'd gotten back to my desk. I told her that a co-worker found me. ((3 weeks later) I asked that co-worker for the time she took me to the shrink's office and she said 1:30. I estimated then that it was between 2 and 3 hours, as it was about 9:30 when I got back to my desk.)
I just want proper people in the system so I (and lots of others!!!) can get proper help. I do not deserve to be mistreated and yelled at and prejudged by these quacks. It is not stress. I now have proof. I am going to sock it to them; they do not deserve their jobs.
And I sure as hell do get paranoid because every time I see one of them, they prejudge me with stress or schizo-something disorder, then say that the schizo- prefix is not related to schizophrenia, then have a (differnt) co-worker who is a licensed counselor tell me IT IS RELATED. (amongst a number of other discrepancies made between the nitwits I see and others in the real field who work directly with the tools.)
And the neurosurgeon... I'm there trying to describe this shit and she goes into the mental health arena and says the MRI is blurry. Having contacted the neurologist who originally ordered the MRI, his personal nurse said that those prints are acceptable. Unless they're playing me off as a chump, but for some reason I doubt that - they took the time to look and find something, instead of blindly labelling me.
I have every reason to be frustrated, angry, and YES paranoid. And I bet the psycho-crackpots will spin that against me too.