...but I am a Republican Congressman with a solid porcine constituency-- I won't name the state or district to protect my anonymity on DU-- but I will say that all you liberals are in for a big surprise. Hehehe. All I can say is that we're proposing legislation that will phase in a whole slew of liberal control measures. And don't get me started on measures to thwart the social agenda of homosexuals and other deviants and atheists. Don't worry, the tattoos will only hurt for a minute or two, and seriously, I think cooler heads will prevail and we won't go with the branding and castration option, at least not in the near term. But liberals will have to show some willingness to police themselves. We'll have programs for y'all to denounce one another, presumably with some extra privileges and rations for those who report certain classes of political criminals, especially intellectuals and "free thinkers." That's enough for now, but liberals should be VERY afraid.