Thread for those who didn't go to sleep last night
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Sun Jan-09-05 10:03 AM
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Thread for those who didn't go to sleep last night |
It is 5 o'clock AM Hawaii Standard Time and I can't go to sleep. Took a walk in the rain and lightning to see if it would make me tired.
This has never happened to me before. I even took NyQuil to see if it would knock me out - it didn't work.
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Sun Jan-09-05 10:07 AM
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1. Try taking a Benadryl. It always works for me. |
I very seldom have trouble sleeping, but when I do I just take a Benadryl and I'm out like a light. :-)
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Sun Jan-09-05 10:10 AM
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one doesn't seem to do the trick. I mentioned it to my doctor and she didn't seem upset by it. But I know you should NOT get hooked on sleeping "artificially" as my friend the nun would say.
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Sun Jan-09-05 10:09 AM
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Well, less. Went to bed at 4 AM, got up and walked around my apartment for awhile at 6:30, then laid back down for an hour.
Now here I am.
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Sun Jan-09-05 10:12 AM
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but that was a first in a long time. in the past two weeks i have smoked 2 packs a day (never do that ever) but because i never sleep anymore and spend so much time on line - i am a wreck.
i think i am glad Jan 6 came and went. i have to accept that its done. and go on with life. ugh. i dont know what i would do if i didn't have other democrats to talk to about this. not to many people understand. even other democrats who tell me to "get over it".
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Sun Jan-09-05 10:19 AM
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5. Insomnia around here seems to be on the rise. |
I think we need a nightly bedtime story thread.
Since this is your first sleepless night be prepared for some general weirdness today. I hope you get a nap in or at least a solid nights sleep tonight.
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Sun Jan-09-05 10:26 AM
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I don't know how I am going to survive today. I have to leave my apartment at 11:30 AM just to get to work by 1:00 PM. I get off at around 10:00 PM.
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Sun Jan-09-05 10:47 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
Do you drink coffee, or perhaps a strong tea?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:44 AM
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