Ben HAWKins is being set up to battle Justin CROWe.
Ben's mother's name was Flora. Justin's sister's name is Iris.
Iris Crowe - Brother Justin's older sister, she cared for him after the death of their mother,
Plemina Belyakov, in a train crash in the California Sierras. Though her brother had long since forgotten about his strange powers, she alone kept his secret, fervently praying for the day when the Lord would make His wishes known. With the onset of Justin's visions, she takes action, ruthlessly pursuing what she sees as her brother's divine destiny. Intensely loyal, fiercely protective, she sees her station in life as one of service and devotion to Justin. found out in the first episode of the second season that Management is Lucius (?) Belyakov. This means(?) that Iris and Justin are, at the very least, related to Management. They could be Management's kids.
Sofie Agnesh Bojakshiya - The Gypsy daughter of Apollonia Bojakshiya, a once renowned tarot-card reader, now catatonic due to complications during Sofie's birth. Sofie shares a telepathic link with her mother, which allows her to lend voice to Apollonia's predictions. Though this symbiotic relationship allows the two to make a living, it also gives Apollonia access to every thought and feeling Sofie may have. Furthermore, Sofie has never developed a true "inner-voice," that role having long-been usurped by her mother. (
Did you know that Mother Teresa was born in Skoplje, Yugoslavia of Albanian Boyash Roma/Gypsy parents. She was named
Agnesh Goaksa Bojakshiya. also found a website that has transcripts of some of the shows.