WWE--the new Arab wrestler
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:07 PM
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WWE--the new Arab wrestler |
Okay my husband likes wrestling. He knows it is fake and all but he is right when he says they have to still be athelic to perform these stunts without very many injuries.
BUT they have introduce this Arab character who is not the good guy but of course is the heel. I am just inrage that the WWE would do these storylines to promote hatred for Arabs and Arab-americans --which I in a sense consider myself. I was raised in that community the community was christian arabs but I digress--by bring on this person who enrages gives these speeches about how he hates America etc...(granted I haven't listen too closely I just know the crowd BOOS like crazy when he comes out.0
WWE is probably watched a hell of a lot more by men between the ages of 15-35 (I mean really watched like a religion) So I would expect better but is that way too much for me to ask for...
Thanks for the vent.
Wapsie B
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:12 PM
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who wraps himself in the flag or comes in flying old glory?
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:25 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
10. No I have not seen a him come out with any flag drapped or flying |
My beef is that I do have some muslim(and I hate saying I have such and such friend)friends who are really living in fear. One had to move with her family out of the city she was living in to keep safe. This type of storyline just feed into that stupid-minded ideas. I beginning to wonder if WWE is getting request by the admisistration...
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:13 PM
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Like the Iron Sheik was really Iranian?
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:21 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
5. I'm not sure that is a good question. They didn't say but suppose |
to come orginially from Detroit Mich. (a area that has a large community )
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:22 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
He does have Iranian in him.. but he was born in America..
I do watch wrestling a little bit still.. They are playing him as an Arab-American who is unhappy about his treatment after 9/11... and he's going about it in a very angry way or what not...
in any case WWE is walking a fine line with this one... The character has called the troops in IRAQ weak and cowards and what not for examples.. he's getting mixed reaction from wrestling fans. Some think he's an excellent heel who is making excellent points.. some thing he's just a generic foreign bad guy heel who will just fade out eventually..
Like I said lots of opinions.. and people either think the gimmick is great, or they hate it's guts...
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:26 PM
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Boycottworthy I say. And all their corporate sponsors too.
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:16 PM
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3. They often create characters based on world events |
Years ago they had some folks that supposedly represented the PLO.
I think the guy who wraps himself in the flag is the Olympic wrestling guy... Curt something. Man, it's right on the tip of my tongue and gonna drive me crazy.
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:20 PM
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:21 PM
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:22 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
I only know that because I had a roommate a few years ago who religiously watched every episode, and I politely allowed him that tv time in exchange for baseball tv time for me. I haven't watched any of that crap since that time.
I don't know why their flaming the flames of ethnic hatred would surprise anyone. Appeals to the least common denominator are the halmark of that business.
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:21 PM
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6. Sounds like the Iron Sheik of 20 years ago. |
Just the next generation. :eyes:
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:32 PM
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i`ll take care of that a-rab....hacksaw jim dugan. where`s the sarge?
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:33 PM
Response to Reply #12 |
13. By Sarge you mean Seargent Slaughter I'm assuming... |
He actually still works for them backstage..
I also remember when they used him as an Turn coat to the Iraqi's to capitalize on the Gulf War.......
Jim Duggan... fought and won against Cancer
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Sun Jan-09-05 09:35 PM
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14. Why do people watch WWE? |
Especially now that we have UFC & Pride & K-1, the real deal without all the theatric bull.
"I'm hulkoman and i'm gonna put beast-guy in the Ball-Stomper hold....grrrr"
I think I liked it when I was 8, but I outgrew it shortly after.
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