A local letter to the editor cherry picked a few radical LW quotes as examples of the Democrats running a hate & lie filled campaign. I'd like to respond with the radical RW quotes...
http://www.remindernet.com/fr_spk.htmConservationism Wins
It cracks me up to hear Liberals whining about "Right Wing Hate Radio." This, after an election in which Liberals engaged in a hate-and-slander campaign, assisted by their friends in the network news media, like Dan Rather, who used falsified documents in an attempt to influence the election. Left Wing media bias during the election was blatant and well documented. There were the Liberal protesters proudly carrying signs suggesting that George Bush should be assassinated. In a past issue of the Reminder, a Liberal called our President "The Village Idiot." It's not like Liberals haven't attempted to compete, with their own "Left Wing Hate Radio," but it's always been a failure. Maybe there is reason Rush Limbaugh is the most popular talk radio host in history, and why Left Wing Hate Radio always fails? Maybe there is a reason Fox News, the only television media outlet with the courage to give Conservative views a fair shot, is leading in the ratings? Maybe that is what Liberals are afraid of. When Liberalism and Conservatism go head to-head in the court of public opinion, Conservatism wins