There is a plan afoot to put together a book of my DU columns and publish it through CafePress. Today, I amused myself by making up some fake blurbs to go on the back cover. I'm not sure if EarlG will want to use them or not, but at any rate they're good for a laugh, so I'm sharing. Enjoy.
**************** "Like feminism, this book encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, undermine capitalism, practice witchcraft, and become lesbians. I look forward to burning it soon in a town square near you." --Pat Robertson "The pleasure of savoring The Plaid Adder's scathing denunciation of my own moral bankruptcy is second only to the pleasure of reflecting that she can't do a goddamn thing about it." --Karl Rove "You call this demented raving? I'LL show you demented raving! WAAAA-HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" --Ann Coulter "Powerful as a Porsche engine yet tender as the first breath of spring, the Plaid Adder's lyrical but passionate descants on the horrors of the moral and spiritual abyss into which Bush's policies have driven the nation are as beautiful and moving as the $100 bill I found stapled to the cover of my review copy." --Armstrong Williams "The perfect book for anyone on your list who has the power to convene a grand jury." --Archibald Cox "It's more interesting than _The Pet Goat_ but it's not as pretty as _The Very Hungry Caterpillar._" --George W. Bush
"The Plaid Adder joins the list of gay liberals who unthinkingly assume that the Republican Party is homophobic simply because its campaign strategists deliberately demonize, terrorize, and scapegoat gay people every time they have an election to win. It saddens me to see her so unwilling to acknowledge President Bush's good qualities--his manly resolve, his winsome bloodthirst, his tight buns, his pleasingly emphasized 'package,' his hot throbbing...I'm sorry, I seem to have wandered a bit." --Andrew Sullivan "Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?"--Indiana Jones ***************
C ya,
The Plaid Adder