Did you know that the conspiracy mongers about the tsunami were also posting on mixed boards, trying to stir up paranoia that the U.S. caused the tsunami with a nuclear bomb? I was shocked to encounter this lie even on a board populated by scientists and computer "nerds" --fortunately it was quickly shot down by the educated people there. I question the motives of those who spread this vile rumor. I do not believe they were liberals or Democrats or that they had the good of the U.S. at their heart.
DU handled it just fine. The whackjobs posted their paranoia, and people of good science background responded for the most part with good links and clear explanations of why the tsunami could not have been caused by a U.S. nuclear explosion.
Reality is self-correcting. Optimism before an election is good, because it mobilizes people to get out and do the work and vote. If the optimism is misplaced, then the results come in time, and we know now just how difficult the road ahead is. Some people require optimism to get up in the morning. Other people require pessimism because they can't bear to have their hearts broken by hope yet one more time. We have both types here, and we need both types to keep people mobilized.
I tend toward a dark view of human nature. I agree with Dan Quayle that half of all Americans are less intelligent than average. But I try to keep my pessimistic posts to a minimum. My pessimism may help protect my heart and keep me energized. But it might discourage another person and leave her thinking, Why even try?
So, you know, it's like anything else -- Seek Balance!
I think we do have enough debate to keep us honest. No one can foretell the future with any accuracy. No one. But as far as controlling rumors, we have many posters who will counter ridiculous and hysterical claims with good sound evidence.
The conservation movement is a breeding ground of communists and other subversives. We intend to clean them out, even if it means rounding up every birdwatcher in the country. --John Mitchell, US Attorney General 1969-72