Fun Hate Mail
Here is some of the fun and intelligent hatemail we have received from our open minded right wing friends. Feel free to click on the name and send a quick message. For those of you who want to send negative e-mail to the site, I strongly suggest you read the Privacy Policy.
From: Glen Mura
Subject: FOX blocker...
This is interesting. You liberal left-wingers, who dominate the news media
(95% Democrat liberals) and who claim to be the defenders of freedom of
speech, are going ballistic when one station has the tenacity to stand up
and tell the truth about what is happening in the world. And your answer is
to try to censure dissenting journalism. This is pure Nazi tactics.
You want Fair and Balanced? You've got it with FOX. Oh, you want left-wing
hate propoganda? You've got MSNBC and CNN. Too bad for you that the
majority of this country is seeing Fox News and getting the WHOLE story. No
wonder they are fast becoming the #1 News Service in the country...
I'll be sending a link to your 'Fox Blocker' to everyone I know, including
discerning media outlets, to let them know how far the communist left in
this country will go to destroy the American institution of Freedom of
I hate it when you forward a link to the site to all of your friends, please, please, please, don't do this to us.
Oh, and you misspelled "propoganda", it is spelled F-O-X N-e-w-s
Also, I really appreciate the level of discourse that is achieved by comparing my tactics with those of the Nazi party. (That was sarcasm to those of you who watch FOX News)
Just to get the record straight, I don't much like ultra right wing radical politics and the tactics that go with them. This should be obvious to any educated person from the content of this web site.
To compare the tactic of putting up a web site with the tactic of killing millions of innocent people in brutally efficient death camps is:
* Offensive
* Non Productive
* A very bad, emotion based argument (as is often seen on FOX News)
* Not a form of rhetorical argument that is in any way appropriate
Oh, and my father's half of the family is jewish.
So here is how to contact Mr. Glen Mura at work:
Interop-Solutions, LLC
2245 W University
Suite 4
Tempe, Arizona 85281
Phone: (480) 966-9488
Fax: (480) 966-0545 You should have read the Privacy Policy, Glen.
Subject: MORONS!!
you morons! we live in America! we have a CHOICE of what we want to watch and not watch!!
So if you don't like Fox News don't watch it!!! FOOL!
You liberals are too entertaining!! and keep proving the truth HURTS you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The term 'moron' was applied by the Greeks to descibe one whe doesn't
discuss politics, so applying it in this way is, to borrow another term
from the Greek, 'oxymoronic'.
To concur with one point in the above email: yes, at least this half of “we” does live in America, and it is an America where we do have a choice of what to watch and what we communicate to program sponsors.
But to remind those that think America is a place that always agrees with them: Nothing is more American than expressing an opinion, especially a dissenting opinion. It is our considered opinion that Boy George Dubya is evil: he’s the wrong person to have as President because he thinks that running up deficits, killing innocent people & lying about his reasons, while enriching his partners in crime and ignoring real problems is a “Good Thing” if not “God’s will”.
He couldn’t do it to us without the kind of simple folks that write emails like the one above, and Fox News panders to these intellectual mendicants (FOX News viewers might need to look that last word up). That is exactly why we tell the advertisers: “You are being held responsible for what you sponsor, we disagree fundamentally with these ideas and the philosophy behind them, and we won’t be influenced by the ads you put on Fox News, because we won’t watch that channel, ever”. Any advertiser that wants to blow off 50% of their ad exposure remains free to do so. This is, after all, still America.
We can only hope the keyboard this person is using is washable, since
zit-popping and nose-picking (traits associated with exposure to Fox
News) tends to put lots of bacteria on the fingers of the practitioner.
PLEASE NOTE: The last statement above is also an example of incorrect rhetorical tactics, but it has the advantage of being funny (at least I think so)
From: Wayne
Subject: blocking success
Thank you for further proof of liberal weakness under
the test of real debate. Only one side has ever
attempted to eliminate opposing opinion rather than
debate the facts. The more informed the less like
sheep unless you are a dem. P. S. your site can be
blocked also would that be correct I think not.
Although Wayne tries, it doesn't look like english is his first language, not that there is anything wrong with that. Wayne, In order to be a more effective communicator, I would strongly suggest that you take an adult education course at your local community college.....No wait, the Bush administration defunded community colleges......nevermind.
From: jerry.yeager
Subject: (No Subject)
Why not a bullshit blocker for NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and any of the other liberal carpetbagers that prowl the airways.
By "carpetbagers" you mean Allan Keys? (He won't get it, but those of you with an education might think this statement is appropriate.)
From: Jackson Williams
Subject: (No Subject)
The FoxBlocker is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. Can
you provide me with a similar blocker so I don't have to hear the left-wing
Jackson Williams
Yes, I can provide you with a similar blocker. It is called a Tazer Gun (Non-lethal), you stick it in your mouth and flip the switch. I promise you won't be bothered by "left-wing nonsense" again.
If you are interested, the charge is $1,000 ea. Cash or Cashiers Check payable in advance. Please send your check to:
Mokipoke Enterprises, LLC
1611 South Utica Ave
Tulsa, OK 74104