the first part was taking a while to can find it here: I thought I'd recap the titles and start another thread: If you want a silly title, post here and I'll dream you up one.
Titles conferred thus far:
Skinner: Mad Slinger of Sharpened pencils, Confounder of Lost Tourists
Cally: Hurler of the Sharp Cheddar of Death, He(or she) Who is Individually Sliced
Meegbear:Enigmatic Target, The One with the Moebius Soul No-Pest Strip
whoisalhedges; Valiant Buckler of Swash and Trimmer of Shrubbery
soothsayer: Digitalmatrix Maven of Destruction and Countess of Comfortable Shoes
matcom: Holder of the Eel of Treachery/ Nordic Pizza Chef
neweurope:Dervish of Pointless Wanderings
cryingshame:Awesome Swinger of Off-balance Weapons/ Master of Small Pastries!
NamVetsWeeLass:Enrapturing Angel of Confusing Beauty/ Errant Cab driver
pres2032pres2032: Rustler of N'er-do-wells and Corrosive Mailperson
sniffa:Somnabulent Zombie of Really Bad Hair Days/Crusher of Whiners
billyskank: Incandescent Diviner of Lost Ballpoint Pens
Commie Pinko Dirtbag: Maestro of Chiascuro Machismo
da_chimperor: Compeller of Dark Mysteries and Dishwasher of Death
AverageJoe: Liege of Lunacy/Mad Sorter of Laundry
bowens43; Astral Diesel Mechanic, Deranged Furniture Mover of Despair
TN al: Grand Arbiter of Broken Velcro and Crusher of Cardboard Boxes
and to your wife (whose name I don't know):
Grand Inquisitor of Inappropriate Action Figures and Herder of Testosterone
GOPBasher: Mage Adept of Cursed Magics, Crazed Collector of Pushpins
EstimatedProphet: Treacherous Instigator of Endless Monopoly Games
Richardo: Warder of the Wastelands, Unspeakable Trimmer of Toenails
eyesroll: Exasperator of Enemies, Sardonic Sultan of Sarcasm
Lavender Brown: Subtle Swordsman of the Vorpal Blade, Tacker of Loose Carpeting
Briarius: Master Conduit of Datastream Energy/ Deadly Pet Groomer
Bertha Venation: Voluptuous Kitten of Carnage/ Feared Master of Cribbage
Fifth of Five: Vaulted Vixen of Books Too Heavy To Throw, Mistress of Knotted Shoestrings
MissMillie: Learned Lady of Liederhosen, Knight Templar of Stale Cheese Doodles
StopTheMorans: Apocryphal Zombie of Dust, Straightener of Crooked Pictures
huskerlaw: Scoundrel Scourge of the Wayward Seas/Killer of Toupees
Mistress Quickly: Medieval Mistress of Vague Vengeance/Princess of Painful Puns
bobbobbins: Fearsome Wielder of Things that Will Poke Your Eye Out, Royal Runner With Scissors
Aristus: Baron Kheldar of the Kiddie Waterslide/ Evil Parking Valet
LWolf: Paradoxical Goddess of Dimensional Conundrums!
txaslftist: Ubiquitous Unscrambler of Erstwhile Enigmas
Bouncy Ball: Grand Duchess of Polite Procrastination and Liberator of Lost Luggage
KitchenWitch: Emancipator of Shanghai'd Cookies, Valiant Champion of Stubborn Toasters
greyfox: Diabolical Hider of The Royal Remote Control and Slinger of Rusty Razor Blades
ps1074: Paladin of Peanut Butter/ Lunatic Lighter of Other People's Cigarettes
auntAgonist: Libidinous Launcher of Lopsided Projectiles, Mistress of Marble Mayhem
rbnyc: Avenging Angel of Acronyms, Dread Disruptor of Congo Lines
El Fuego: Harbinger of Exploding Chocolate-covered Cherries
flvegan: Unholy Inflictor of Tiny Paper Cuts
fluffernutter: Duke of Dastardly Lane Changes, Vicar of Tight Underwear
youngred: Dauphin of Deep-seated Doubt, Admiral-elect of the Siberian Stock Exchange
kmla: Outrageous Prime Minister of Mental Torture/ Keeper of the Petting Zoo
Lone_Star_Dem: Winsome Whistling Avenger, Lady Vermillion of the Squared Squirrel
Left Is Write: Ambiguous Ambassador of Ambidextrousity, Countess of Corn Dogs
Longgrain: Virulent Lord of the The Order of The Hapless Genome, Sprite of Unmatched Socks
Lenape85: Satyr of The Saroyan Cigar, Citizen General of the Marching Band Groupies
name not needed: The Enigmatic Unknown Knight of Sausages, Composer of Metallic Requiems
Tyler Durden: He Who Has Never Received An Atomic Wedgie, Exalted Comrade of Collectivized Lawn Gnomes
Biased Liberal Media: Treacherous Damsel of Intestinal Fortitude, Guileless Gendarme of Unrepentant Grocery Cashiers
Amaya: Royal Ringletted Reclaimer of Discarded Threads, Her Highness, Champion of Oppressed Tailors