Am I nuts for having a milkshake in my hand while it's freezing outside?
ET Awful
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Tue Jan-11-05 08:43 PM
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Am I nuts for having a milkshake in my hand while it's freezing outside? |
I just had to have one :) n/t
Deja Q
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Tue Jan-11-05 08:44 PM
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1. I ate a quart of ice cream tonight. As I didn't have chocolate syrup, |
I used leftover chocolate malt mix and sprinkled it. :9
And I added some nuts too. :-)
ET Awful
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Tue Jan-11-05 08:48 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
I'd probably leave off the nuts though . . . unless they were almonds and almonds only. I'm not a big fan of other nuts :) . . . except macadamias.
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Tue Jan-11-05 08:53 PM
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3. There is no bad time to have a milk shake |
especially a vanilla one.
ET Awful
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Tue Jan-11-05 09:13 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. Well it was part vanilla, I make 'em into marshmallow milkshakes |
I make a standard vanilla shake, but with a big ole dollop of marshmallow fluff in 'em for flavor :)
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Tue Jan-11-05 09:15 PM
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5. Nope. I have ice cream quite often in the winter... |
and it gets really cold here!! ;)
NYC Liberal
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Tue Jan-11-05 09:16 PM
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6. LOL...when I first read the title, |
I read it as YOU were outside. :P
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Tue Jan-11-05 09:23 PM
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7. Only time I feel like eating ice cream |
is when it's cold out. In the summer when it's hot ice cream is too heavy or thick or something. :shrug: I dunno? Some of us is jus wired a lil different I guess :-) I yam what I yam:bounce:
Ice Cream in Winter:thumbsup: :9
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Tue Jan-11-05 09:39 PM
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8. I had a milkshake earlier and it is |
fucking freezing you're fine.
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Tue Jan-11-05 09:47 PM
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but what kind of nuts? Walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews?
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Tue Jan-11-05 09:48 PM
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10. ooops........dupe n/t |
Edited on Tue Jan-11-05 09:48 PM by tyedyeto
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:38 AM
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