We have a couple of these STUPID Christmas newsletters we get each and every year from the same two families, one a close friend I grew up with and one a close relative, both of them wealthy. These letters serve them one purpose...it's their chance to brag about where they've been, what they've accomplished, what the latest success stories are of their dorky children, and all the things they do that you or I will probably never do and never would WANT to do.
In the one from my friend, it always starts out with how they've been blessed this year by God and blah blah blah. Then they try and make each and every family member sound like Abe Lincoln, even though we know they're lying out their asses. In the one from my relatives, it's always how they and their kids visited just about every country in the world and ate in all these fancy restaurants and tasted exotic new foods that the average Joe hasn't heard about yet and seen every wonder of the world, most we've never heard of. What a bunch of dweebs.
Do you ever get any tacky Christmas or Holiday inserts like that? We used to get really annoyed at them, but now we save them all and use them for entertainment purposes whenever we need a good laugh.