It was January and a lovely snow fell on the White House lawn. So Dubya decided to go for a stroll in the snow.
He didnt get ten steps out the door before he saw it: Huge, bright yellow, cursive letters in the snow that spelled out, "DUBYA IS AN ASSHOLE!"
Somebody had written it in piss in the snow. George was furious!! He sent for George Tenet, Robert Mueller, and Condi Rice. He told them they had better find out whose urine that was or there would be heads rolling all over Washington.
So the FBI, the CIA, and whoever the hell Condi has working for her get busy in a hurry. Within two hours the analysis is done. They have their man.
"Mr. President," said Tenet, "it is Karl Rove's urine."
"The Bureau concurs, sir," said Mueller.
"Oh my god!" says Bush. "I've got to tell Cheney right away!"
"I wouldn't do that, Mr. President," said Condoleezza Rice.
"And why not?" Bush asked incredulously.
Rice answered, "Because it was his handwriting."
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