I was just at the house, and her ISP is down so we couldn't get her DU account opened up.
Please let us know if anyone coming to Indy this weekend will be around for a little while on Sunday, and has some PC techie knowledge.
She wants to make some changes to Command Central so she can add her own PC and remove some of the stuff she'll never use. Now, normally I could probably pull this off, but Kef had 3 PC's ... 2 Tv's, a receiver, 2 dvd recorders, a vcr, 2 cd burners and assorted cables, modems, splitters and routers. Literally close to 15 sets of wiring - all of it connected to and routed through each other.
Anyone in town who would be willing to tackle this project on Sunday, Momma Kef would be most grateful. (PC #3 needs to go back to the rental store soon, so she'd also like help inventorying all the stuff on the hard drive - which we identified - and burning it to discs/dvd's.)
THANK YOU !!!!! :grouphug: