remains of Bob Marley, whose lyrics became the rallying cry of black liberationists in the Third World and dope-smoking students in the West, are to be reburied in Ethiopia 23 years after his death.
Marley's widow, Rita, said yesterday her husband's remains would be exhumed from his grave in Jamaica and laid to rest later this year in Sheshamene, southern Ethiopia, the most sacred burial place in Rastafarianism, the religious movement he espoused.
Although the singer is believed to have visited Ethiopia only once, in 1979, Mrs Marley said she was fulfilling one of his last wishes: to return to his spiritual home.
"It is part of Bob's own mission," she said. "Bob's whole life is about Africa, it is not about Jamaica. How can you give up a continent for an island? He has a right for his remains to be buried where he would love them to be."