Compiled advice from DUers in yesterday's thread: in which the couple are not close in terms of intelligence never last. - wtmusic
Don't get married until you're at least 30 years old. - slackmaster
Don't do anything stupid. - Richardo
Keep pen and paper handy at all times, and write. - skygazer
No matter where you go, there you are. - crispini
"Every morning, I put this coin in my left pocket to remind me that I need to do a good deed for the day. And when I do something good for someone, I move it to my right pocket; then I know I've done my one good deed for the day....and then, a little later, I move it back to my left pocket." - Rabrrrrr
Public service (volunteering) is the rent you pay for your time on earth. - hatredisnotavalue
Don't compare yourself to others. - Sporadicus
Don't trust whitey. - no name no slogan
Always be away when 'they're' moving. - kodi
Only borrow money for cars and houses, and pay them both off early. - GOPisEvil
It is always better to regret something you have done, not something you haven't done. - Taxloss
Borrow seldom, save often. - Cuban_Liberal
Don't smoke! - NightTrain
Get a library card. - Left is Write
Don't trust the pretty men who tell you cancer is good for you. - MisterP
Don't ever get married. - slutticus
If you don't give people the benefit of the're just as miserable as everyone else. - HEyHEY
Don't trust anybody. - Medium Baby Jesus
Never loan your car to a friend. - B Calm
Never lend money that you expect to get paid back to someone in your family. - Thor_MN
Never take more than 19 aspirin before performing. - Old Crusoe
People are no damn good. If you expect the worst out of people, the only thing you can ever be is pleasantly surprised. If you expect the best out of people, the only thing you can ever be is sorely disappointed. - livinginphotographs
Expect the best outta people and hold them accountable. - HEyHEY
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - likesmountains 52
Get a job as a steward at an airlines so you can nail all the stewardesses and see the world. - Vinnie From Indy
Men are like buses, you can always catch the next one. - mohinoaklawnillinois
Always wear clean underwear because you never know when you might be in an accident. - mike_c
Always do the hardest job first. - DeposeTheBoyKing
While working on a car: work on the hardest to reach bolt first, because if it doesn't come off, the others don't matter. - Thor_MN
Never stick a cotton ball in your eye. - tsakshaug
Never mind admitting you don't know can always learn. - dback
Fake it til you make it. - tk2kewl
If you chopped down the cherry tree, admit it. - Seabiscuit
Do your drinking on the other side of town. - Mojambo
Don't touch that! - Radical Activist
If you're going to cheat, dammit, do it right. Don't be stupid. Don't get caught. - fujiyama
If a ball rolls in front of your car, it will be followed by a child. - noonwitch