...Spybot and Ad-aware. The download sites are listed below. I have also included Pop-up Stopper if you don't already have a program to kill pop-ups.
Here you go:
Once you're at the site, scroll down to the download section and follow the directions. Once you install the program on your system, run it, and you'll be amazed at the number of files that turn up that are spyware files just like adserver.
Do the same thing you did for Spybot in terms of downloading, installing, and running. Using both programs will give you the coverage of your system to be able to clean those pesky ad cookies and other files like that off of your system. Sometimes Ad-aware will catch something Spybot misses, and vice versa.
Pop-Up Stopper
Download this if you're having problems with pop-up ads...this will kill 95% of pop-up ads before they can actually pop-up.
Hope this helps! Have a good one!