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List of Eagle Scouts. I am posting this because I am one.

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coloradodem2005 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 02:26 AM
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List of Eagle Scouts. I am posting this because I am one.
List of famous individuals who attained the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America:

Henry Aaron, athlete (baseball)
Gary Ackerman, politician (U.S. representative from New York)
Bill Alexander, politician (U.S. representative from Arkansas)
Lamar A. Alexander, politician (governor of Tennessee, secretary of education, U.S. senator)
Neil Armstrong, astronaut (Apollo 11)
Willie Banks, athlete (Olympic and world-record-holding track star)
Marion S. Barry, politician (D.C. mayor)
Albert Belle, athlete (baseball)
Charles E. Bennett, politician (U.S. representative from Florida)
William Bennett, politician (secretary of Education)
Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr., politician (U.S. senator from Texas, Secretary of Treasury)
Michael Bloomberg, businessman, politician (New York mayor, founder of Bloomberg News)
Arthur Gary Bishop, serial killer and pedophile
William W. Bradley, athlete (basketball), politician (Senator from NJ)
James Brady, politician (Reagan press secretary)
Milton Caniff, artist ("Steve Canyon")
Barber B. Conable, businessman (president of the World Bank)
John W. Creighton, Jr., businessman (president and CEO of Weyerhaeuser Co.)
Walter Cronkite, journalist
William E. Dannemeyer, politician (U.S. representative from California)
William deVries, physician (transplanted first artificial heart)
Michael S. Dukakis, politician (governor of Massachusetts, presidential candidate)
David Farabee, politician (U.S. representative from Texas)
Thomas S. Foley, politician (U.S. representative from Washington, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives)
Gerald R. Ford Jr., politician (38th U.S. president)
Dave Foreman, environmental activist
Steve Fossett, aviator (first solo flight around world in hot air balloon)
Mike Foster, politician (Louisiana governor)
Robert Gates, former CIA director
William H. Gates, Sr., philanthropist, former lawyer
Richard A. "Dick" Gephardt, politician (Missouri Congressman and Democratic floor leader)
L. Ron Hubbard, writer
Michael Kahn, stage director, Oscar winner
Alfred Kinsey, insect biologist, human behavior researcher
John Konack, athlete (baseball)
Eric Lambden, writer
Sheldon Leonard, actor, director, producer, 3 time Emmy winner
Steven W. Lindsey, astronaut
Gary Locke, politician (governor of Washington, the first Chinese-American state governor in the contiguous United States)
James Lovell, astronaut
Richard G. Lugar, politician (U.S. senator from Indiana)
David Lynch, actor, director
J. Willard Marriott, Jr., businessman (president of Marriott Corp.)
William C. McCool, astronaut (Columbia)
Jim Mora, NFL football coach
Oswald "Ozzie" Nelson, actor, band leader
Henry Joseph Nicols, AIDS Activist
Sam Nunn, politician (U.S. senator from Georgia)
Ellison Onizuka, astronaut (Challenger)
Stephen S. Oswald, astronaut, U.S. Navy rear admiral
Mitchell Paige, marine, Medal of Honor winner
Francis J. Parater, nominated for sainthood by Diocese of Richmond, Va.
Ross Perot, businessman, politician (presidential candidate)
Richard Perry, politician (Texas governor)
J. J. Pickle, politician (U.S. representative from Texas)
Samuel Pierce, politician (HUD secretary)
Frederick Reines, physicist, Nobel Prize winner
Gary Rogers, businessman (chairman and CEO of Dreyer's Ice Cream)
Jim Rogers, businessman (CEO of Kampgrounds of America, KOA)
John Edward Robinson, serial killer and rapist
Donald Rumsfeld, politician (defense secretary)
Harrison Salisbury, author, Pulitzer prize winner
James Sanderson, admiral, U.S. Navy
Jefferson B. Sessions III, politician, (U.S. senator from Alabama)
William Sessions, former FBI director
Sam Skinner, politician (secretary of energy), businessman (CEO of Commonwealth Edison)
Steven Spielberg, director, producer
Wallace Stegner, author, Pulitzer prize winner
Percy Sutton, attorney, businessman (chairman of the board of City Broadcasting Corp.)
John Tesh, musician (piano), TV celebrity
Meldrim Thomson, Jr., politician (New Hampshire governor)
Sam Walton, businessman (founder of Wal-Mart)
Togo West, politician (Veteran's Affairs secretary, Army secretary)
Charles Whitman, murderer
Edward O. Wilson, biologist, author
Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., admiral, Chief of Naval Operations
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Kire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 02:36 AM
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1. I was one merit badge away.
Then I joined a band, started smoking and chasing skirts.
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da_chimperor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 02:38 AM
Response to Original message
2. I got up to life scout, then I went to Brazil.
Edited on Fri Jan-14-05 02:39 AM by da_chimperor
Never got back into boy scouts after all the drinking and the women. I don't think they would have wanted me back, either. :evilgrin:
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