who will help Mr. Wooten?
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Fri Jan-14-05 10:53 AM
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who will help Mr. Wooten? |
Dean Wooten was fired in September from his job as a greeter at the Muscatine Wal-Mart store where he had worked for seven years, state records show. He was accused of greeting customers with a picture of himself in which he appeared to be naked except for the carefully placed sack. Wooten allegedly told customers that Wal-Mart was cutting back on expenses and that the sack represented the new employee uniform. < this is the worst part... <Wooten applied for unemployment benefits but was denied by Administrative Law Judge Susan Brightman, who ruled that "a reasonable person would know the act of showing a naked body wearing a Wal-Mart sack would not be good for the employer's business."
call the aclu! call jesse! god i hate wal-mart. been wal-mart free for almost a year now.
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