Friday, Jan 14
6:15 Get up
6:16 Abuse alarm clock
6:20 Make coffee
6:25 Get three-year-old dressed. Immediately change diaper after he messes his fresh one.
6:30 Get five-year-old up
6:35 Hand husband cup of coffee as he goes out the door
6:36 Serve breakfast to little kids
6:38 Wipe up spilled Cheerios from floor. Get a fresh bowl for three-year-old
6:40 Go upstairs to get cleaned up, dressed, and brush teeth
7:00 Make beds
7:10 Put shoes and jackets on little kids
7:15 Load little kids into their carseats
7:20 Drive teenager to school
7:50 Arrive back home, remove jackets and shoes from little kids
7:55 Break up fight between little kids and turn on "The Flintstones" for them
8:00 Eat breakfast, peruse message boards
8:15 Clean up breakfast things
8:20 Unload and reload dishwasher
8:25 Catch weather update on the news
8:30 Fix five-year-old's hair
8:35 Put shoes and jackets on kids
8:40 Load kids into their carseats
8:45 Drive five-year-old to preschool
9:11 Leave preschool, load three-year-old into carseat
9:15 Head to grocery store
9:30 Arrive at grocery store, get three-year-old buckled into shopping cart designed to look like ambulance
9:35 Get a grande nonfat latte and pick up ad circular
10:05 Finish grocery shopping, check out
10:15 Deposit several checks at the bank; withdraw cash for the weekend
10:20 Load groceries into the car, load three-year-old into carseat. Wipe chocolate muffin off his hands and face with baby wipe.
10:35 Arrive home. Unload three-year-old from car. Once again wipe chocolate muffin off his hands and face with baby wipe.
10:37 Unload groceries from car
10:42 Unpack groceries and put away. Stop three times to accomodate requests for fruit snacks, toast, and chocolate milk
11:00 Wipe down counters
11:02 Carry plastic grocery bags to garage
11:05 Notice the garbage collection has taken place; bring garbage can and recycling bin back to garage
11:10 Eat portion of chocolate muffin previously mangled by three-year-old
11:12 Check message boards
11:22 Change three-year-old's diaper. Put his shoes on while at it.
11:25 Load three-year-old into carseat
11:26 Head to preschool to pick up five-year-old
11:33 Arrive at preschool. Carry sleeping three-year-old in to pick up five-year-old.
11:38 Load sleeping three-year-old back into car. Tie five-year-old's shoes, then buckle her into carseat
11:47 Arrive home, carry sleeping three-year-old to couch. Try to take his shoes off without waking him
11:50 Prepare peanut butter sandwich and glass of milk for five-year-old.
11:52 Set out Play-Doh to keep her busy after she eats lunch
11:55 Begin workout
12:40 Wipe sweat. Drink bottle of water almost all in one shot.
12:45 Prepare peanut butter sandwich and glass of milk for three-year-old. Put Play-Doh away so he doesn't eat that too.
12:50 Open door to discover teenage boy wanting to take teenage daughter to lunch. Apologize for being sweaty.
12:55 Start movie for little kids
1:00 Heat up lunch
1:05 Start different movie for little kids
1:07 Get Play-Doh back out again
1:08 Get crayons and color books
1:09 Heat up lunch again
1:11 Pour new glass of milk for five-year-old
1:12 Sit down to lunch, peruse message boards
1:15 Get up to answer phone call
1:18 Sit down again, discover lunch is cold
1:19 Heat up lunch again
1:20 Break up fight over who gets which color of Play-Doh.
1:22 Sit down to lunch
1:25 Get up to stop movie. Put shoes and jackets on children and send them out to play
1:30 Finish cold lunch
1:37 Let kids in, remove shoes and jackets
1:42 Make fat-free chocolate pudding
1:45 Sit down to read message boards. Wonder why children are so quiet.
1:55 Children are still quiet. Get dish of chocolate pudding.
2:00 Check on children to discover them miraculously playing quietly together
Sometime after 2:00 pm Type out today's agenda
2:37 Get up to accomodate two requests for chocolate pudding
Welll......you asked......Want to know what's on my agenda for the REST of the day?