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DU photographers! Anyone own an Argus C3 camera? About 50 yrs old..

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edbermac Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 06:41 PM
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DU photographers! Anyone own an Argus C3 camera? About 50 yrs old..
Got one from a relative who was going to junk's in pretty good shape...if anyone owns or is interested in vintage cameras, shoot me a line...
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havocmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 07:00 PM
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1. Gave mine to my daughter. I got it from my older brother.
The instructions for old Argus C3 of my dad's came on a clay tablet.

That camera has been at sea around Greenland, Iceland, Nova Scotia and down to sunny Bermuda, all several times. It's been up mountains in Montana and down desert reparian areas in Arizona.

Takes good pictures and a beating. Don't junk it. Find it a good home. It deservs that much!
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Not Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 07:12 PM
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2. It's a classic...
pre-SLR 35mm camera. It's built like a tank--kinda' like the way they used to build things like telephones: as though it was made to be the only camera you would ever own in your life. I'll bet it still works eh?

When I was in college (photo science) I took an elective in camera design, and they actually used the argus c3 (already long a classic) as fodder for our curious minds. I have disassembled and reassembled it a number of times. Classic, rugged design. For the times anyway.

Hold onto it. Because of the numbers that were produced it may never be valuable, but it will always be a shining reminder of what used to be designed and manufactured in the United States.

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