Two pictures from the same news story.
And didn't these idiots think they'd get caught?
Coroners in two states are in trouble with the law.
In Colorado, court documents show an El Paso County deputy coroner has confessed to stealing prescription drugs from the homes of dead people.
Leon Moynier, 32, was arrested last week. He told police he had been stealing the drugs, then selling them to his friends.
Moynier had worked for the coroner's office for two years. He was fired after his arrest and jailed under $50,000 bail.
He faces charges of distributing prescription drugs. If convicted, he could be sentenced to four to 12 years in prison and fined $3,000 to $750,000.
In Wisconsin, some residents are giving the Rock County coroner, who faces drug and theft charges, the benefit of the doubt, but others want her to lose her job now.
Authorities said Coroner Karen Gilbertson stole drugs from the homes of dead people and used them herself. Monday night, Rock County sheriff's deputies searched Gilbertson's office. Deputies found bottles of prescription drugs in her desk. Most of the bottles still had the names of people who are deceased.
"It's primarily pain medication, narcotics of morphine, and OxyContin," said Rock County District Attorney David O'Leary. "It's the primary drugs we're looking at."
O'Leary said an employee who worked with the accused alleges that Gilbertson not only had these prescriptions illegally, but also stole them from the scenes of death investigations.