American guy to marry them and get them the hell out of Russia. This works because they are extremely skilled at writing seductive letters, and many of them are very attractive - in that thin, alcoholic, drug-addicted way. Since many of them have been keeping alive and supplementing other income by prostitution, they're pretty skilled sexually.
"Oh, Johnny, I vant to cook your meals, clean your house, have your children, and service you beyond your wildest dreams!"
I believe the reality is, (and there was a great Law and Order episode about this) is to marry an American guy and keep him happy until citizenship is final, then divorce him and enjoy living in the US - maybe get some nice alimony too. They enjoy great success with less attractive men who have never had a real live woman come on strong to them. The more attractive the woman, and the greater the age difference, the more likely she will dump her American husband at the first opportunity. Then there's also the pressure to bring her family over - at least she says its her cousin, but maybe its her lover. And maybe that neice or nephew is really her kid. Take a good look at what's going on in Russia today - many of the people are seriously screwed up from living through such tough times and upheaval. Criminal activity is a necessary way of life. It's a completely different culture from what you have known. Don't be a sucker.