Anyone else do this?
My boss gave me the scanner for work, in case there's something I need to go get a picture of or something, I suppose. It hasn't paid off in actual written content yet, but I gotta tell ya, the thing's addictive.
First of all, I live in a small enough town that I recognize the voices of all three town cops... the girlfriend is an EMT so the pages that go out are sometimes answered by her, plus I can monitor her progress in the middle of the night when she goes out, whether there's a helicopter coming for the injured party and what-not... and, amazingly enough, when they pull someone over and run their plate, they announce who it is. This is especially delightful in, as I said, a small town. :evilgrin:
It's a hoot. Everyone in the house is glued to the thing. I'm thinking about canceling the dish. :D