I have to use Winbloze right now because my $%£%&%$ modem isn't recognised by Red Hat, Xandros, or SuSE. But, when I am running Linux on the net I only do so through an account that has minimal priviliges. That limits damage if the system is compromised.
Linux users tend to be more net savvy than most. It's inevitable that the hacker community would eventually target Linux boxes though. I use Firestarter or carefully set up IPTables when Linux is net-ready.
The fact that the source code is available is both good, and bad. Good because loads of people can check for bugs. Bad because access to source code is the Holy Grail for any hacker.
That said, Linux is waaay better than Windoze for security. No ActiveX controls for starters and less virii issues. And, Opera can be d/loaded in a non-Java version which further enhances security.