The Porch Light by Underground Panther in the Sky
The night calls me to walk within, So... I open the door to go outside, And the damn light clicks on,again Automatically, for my convenience and safety.Annoying bastard. The Porch light shines it's eye shattering beacon on everything below it. Blithely drowning out the moon, blotting out the stars,silencing the crickets. The porch light is a spotlight on every move I make, as if I am helpless, as if I was a criminal. Just in case. A mindless ever watching eye,arrogant servile torch.
Its existing for the sake of the ones scared of the dark,of losing control or being taken away into the night.
I walk outside of the pre-programmed range and it can't see me anymore so the ignorant tool it mercifully it closes itself .
The dark comes rushing in greeting me with shades of black and silver stars,as my eyes adjust,getting wider to take it all in, The night welcomes me home, I'm bewitched with beauty like were-cat hunting under a halo encircled moon. The night and I walk together softly on different paws in our own ways down the path. The dark is covering me almost as if I was a part of itself.
The connection between us lives, as long as that damn porch light stays off..