...so the answer to that one is no. It is never good to ask for a hand-out of people you don't know that well, unless you have something to trade in return.
As far as getting cheaper airfare, you need to install SideStep on your computer (get it at Sidestep.com) and run it every day until the fare drops to what you want. It checks all the routes and flights offered, including tbose who don't want to participate in such services, like Southwest Airlines.
Is Port Columbus in Ohio (taking a guess here)? There are sales pretty often out of Ohio airports, so keep checking. I thought you could drive from Ohio to New Jersey but my grasp on Northeast geography is shaky.
As far as how to fly, pack light. If you have a suitcase weighing over 50 pounds, you may be charged for it. Better to have two 50 pound suitcases than one 80 pound suitcases. Don't let anyone give you an old big bag, it will cost you big time. Flyers must use small bags now.
Don't wear any metal. Don't carry change in pocket. Wear slip-on shoes with socks. Especially if you have metal implants or another issue that takes longer to screen, get to the airport early. Bring some old paperbacks and magazines that you can leave behind for the next person when you get done reading. DON'T BRING WRAPPED GIFTS. Just bring your host/hostess gift unwrapped and put it a bow on it before you get to your friend's house. If your gift is a good bottle of wine, bring it in carry-on and wrap a sock around it in the shopping bag for a little extra protection. Your checked luggage will be inspected and any cash, digital cameras, jewelry etc. will be stolen out of checked luggage so keep that stuff in carry-on. (Hmmm, can you tell I fly out of New Orleans?) Check in online for your flight before you get to the airport if your carrier allows. Print out your own boarding pass on your home printer.
If you get taken aside for a secondary search/patdown, don't assume you're special. We've all been through it at some point. As a new flyer, or someone who hasn't flown recently, you may draw a little more attention than someone who flies all the time without incident. Just be patient, the screeners are trying to do an unpopular and unpleasant job.
Don't make jokes or even discuss such things as hijacking or terrorism. Don't bring reading material about any type of pranksterism or terrorism, even eco-terrorism. (A man was pulled off a flight for having a George Hayduke book!) Bring normal airport reading -- work-related stuff, fun stuff, easy to read suspense stuff. A classy men's magazine is OK but in coach people are seated very close together, so please no borderline porno reading that might give offense.
Can't think of anything else right now.
The conservation movement is a breeding ground of communists and other subversives. We intend to clean them out, even if it means rounding up every birdwatcher in the country. --John Mitchell, US Attorney General 1969-72