At the end of November, the management in its infinite wisdom started to do its annual budget cuts. One of my hard working co-workers was let go. Well, a few weeks later, our IT guy resigned. He was also the program director of our AM station. That left us with a skeleton crew.
I have over 20 years experience in radio, so I wound up being the guy to pick up the slack. I had a meeting with the GM, and he gave me the usual BS. When we started to discuss my salary, he told me all about my new duties. He then told me that I would be getting a little raise. It was actually microscopic. I looked this asshole right in the eye and told him that I was very disappointed and I was having trouble making it on what I made now; but because I need a job, I'll have to accept it. He gave me a little laugh and told me that everyone has to have a job. I thought that it was easy for him to say that when he makes about $120,000 a year; drives a Mercedes; goes on big trips; etc.
Well, I was pissed off. It was actually my day off, so I slowly stood up, looked him the eye, and walked out the door. My co-workers could tell that I was pissed, so they all asked my what happened. I told them the whole story. After that, I went home.
Apparently, some of them were pissed that I was treated that way; so they kind of stormed his office and complained. An hour after I left, the GM called me to tell me that he had another offer for me. I wound up almost doubling my salary because these people stood up for me. I've never had that happen before. I was very touched, and I thanked them all. There are good people in this world.
The guy who was let go has landed a great job, so he's happy.