Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 05:32 PM by dean_dem
Saturday afternoon I got a membership application from *snort* The Republican National Committee! How those gutless freaks got my name I will never know, but I wrote this letter back to Turtleman Gillespie:
Mr. Gillespie:
Thank you for your letter requesting my membership in the Republican Party. You are correct in your assertion that I am dedicated to “building a better, safer, more prosperous future for America.” That is why I did everything in my power this past election to see that George W. Bush would not be returning to the Presidency. And you state further that your “opponents are tough and determined. The Democrats and their liberal special interest allies will not simply roll over on these issues.” Again, you are absolutely correct. This election may be over, but luckily you and your Party are only given another four years to continue to erode the ideals that made this country great.
I am not entirely sure how my name made it onto your mailing list, as I am a registered independent and would more likely amputate one of my limbs before casting a vote for a such a narrow-minded, arrogant, incompetent, warmonger as George Bush. But your letter has reminded me that I have not made a donation to the Democratic Party or MoveOn.org in quite a while, so I want to thank you for your kind words, as they have inspired me to do so now.
In the meantime, thank you for the laugh my Godless, Commie, Michael Moore-loving friends and I all had upon seeing my name printed on a Republican National Committee Membership card. I will be posting it on my refrigerator for whenever I another laugh like that is needed.
P.S.: Thank you for disposing of my other junk mail for me with your kind offer to pay any return postage. I would have had no problem paying it myself, but most of my money is going to paying my health insurance and college tuition, which your “Tax Cuts” have helped raise significantly. While I don’t remember the exact figures, I am pretty sure the $300 check was not enough to cover it. I suppose things could be worse. I could have been drafted. But thanks anyway.
I then stuffed the postage-paid envelope with the grocery mailing I got in the mail the same day. No, it won't make a dent, but at least I can say I screwed the Republicans out of some money for a change, instead of the other way around.
Viva la revolucion!