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Bela Fleck---a modern-day genius or the reincarnation of...

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banjosareunderrated Donating Member (389 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-05 02:58 AM
Original message
Bela Fleck---a modern-day genius or the reincarnation of...
Yngwie, which is most amazing considering Yngwie is still alive.

I'll say claw-technique into wine. Notpeggios into arpeggios. Brown paper into Felix the Cat. One Satch clone into a Doc Watson lover. One jitterbug-less wanker into a roadside perfume stand; I'm awake in frog pajamas.

Muchisimas gracias Edgar Meyer, Bela Fleck, y Mike Marshall, for the uncommon ritual.

viva la phoenixian renaissance de la musica!!!!

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Redneck Socialist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-05 03:00 AM
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1. Yeah man!
What he said...:P
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banjosareunderrated Donating Member (389 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-05 03:42 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Y tu tambien?
Edited on Tue Jan-18-05 03:47 AM by banjosareunderrated
On the Uncommon Ritual album...

...Edgar Meyer makes a strong case for the stand-up bass as the most versatile of ALL stringed instruments. Es verdad?

............(with regards to GothicSponge)...Mindgoodeed, no es un Mindcrime..............
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LudwigVan Donating Member (103 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-05 04:44 AM
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3. Thanks to Béla
Edited on Tue Jan-18-05 04:46 AM by LudwigVan
I got into the banjo, and bluegrass as well. The only country I can listen to is bluegrass and Willie.

I bought a cheap, used one a while ago, and having had a lot of experience on bass and some guitar, I was able to play basic notes and chords. But the bluegrass technique, perfected by masters like Earl Scruggs, is something amazing. It takes some amazing timing and coordination, as much (or more) than Yngwie-style guitar shredding. Sadly, I had to sell that banjo when I moved back to Austin. I miss that thing, even though it's hard to practice at 3 am when you got a roommate on account of it being so loud.

(Playing banjo also revolutionized my bass-playing technique, making me more of a Les Claypool wannabe than before, and then I discovered Jaco and fretless, microtonal music, and the oud, so now my playing has gotten really weird, but that's another story...)

Fleck mixes bluegrass with jazz fusion, and does so quite well, I must say. But he's getting upstaged a lot by Flecktones bassist Victor Wooten, the Yngwie of bass.
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Bombtrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-05 05:31 AM
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4. bel affleck ? Is that Ben's sister or something?
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