BALTIMORE (AP) - The mystery man was dressed for the cold rather than tradition, and some spectators were not quite as respectful as in years past. But for the 56th year, a man stole into a locked graveyard early on Edgar Allan Poe's birthday and placed three roses and a half-empty bottle of cognac on the writer's grave.
Jeff Jerome, curator of the Poe House and Museum, who has seen the mysterious visitor every Jan. 19 since 1976, gathered with about 20 people Tuesday night to glimpse the ritual.,1280,-4742231,00.htmlIt wasn't me btw. But thought that was a great story about how what POe created still moves people today to be amused and entertained by some of the things that scare us.
IMHO Poe was a literary giant, who's work still reverberates in literature and film. Brilliantly crafted verse. Storytelling that employs suspense and dynamics. All in a language which is at once elegant and yet not obscure. :toast:
The Raven: