For years I ate right, didn't smoke, brushed between meals and took a multi-vitamin daily.
So I was mildly surprised when I was informed by my dentist that I had "receding gums." I have to admit there was pain where he probed. He gave the usual suggestions about soft toothbrushes and tooth paste for sensitive teeth. He went on to add, I should try using Vitamin D, something called Q-10 and get a better brand of vitamins, too.
I took his advise and on my next checkup I was amazed to find my gums not only stopped receding: they returned fully! I made the connection that the supplements were the reason along with the brush techniques.
Since then I have kept with my vitamin regiment and have added a few as proof seemed to support their use. I am pretty much a vegetarian but have noticed certain supplements have certain effects along with my diet.
My usual daily in-take:
- Quality daily multi-vitamin for all-around health, stamina (avoid Iron unless recommended by DR.)
- Co Q-10 100 mg Great for skin, gums
- L-Carnitne 1000 mg You don't notice cold as much! It protects your mitochondria which is your "furnace" as they say. Also you have more vivid dreams and improved memory (especially of long ago events).
Others I have tried:
- (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) 500 mg Does one thing: makes you burn fat somehow by making your muscle leaner or something. Expensive! Seems to work.
- Grape Seed Extract 60 mg Seems to increase stamina.
I also eat a lot of tomato-based products for Lycopene as my family has a history of certain cancers.
After my positive experience what are your supplement stories?