Wouldn't take long to google up some results.
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=macs+not+invulnerable&btnG=Search For articles both pro and con, here they are. The best come from the brainwashed who literally say Macs are invulnerable to viruses. And, yes, some of them do say that. They're possibly the same folks who applauded the Mini Mac without bothering to see what they
don't get for
$500 $900. LOL...
And THAT, on top of the recent iWaste scandal (which kinda shoves Al Gore into the noose as well, what with him being the environmentalist and all... but he's not in politics anymore, he's an executive manager so it's once again all about money and not people nor the environment) and Jobs' own comment of being like Bill Gates, how expensive those things are, why they can't seem to sell any when telling others "No. Unlike Palm, Linux, and even Microsoft, we're not licensing our code to others. Nyah nyah nyah." and so on, is why I openly lash out at Apple. They are a corporation and not really any better than any other. Just different.
(I know the Mac folks deserve a reason for my apparent hostility toward their favored platform. It's nothing more than knee-jerk reacting to their own generalizations, that are so glib that it makes my own generalizations about the DLC seem like gross nitpicking by comparison.)