Favorite version of "Hallelujah?"
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:02 AM
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Poll question: Favorite version of "Hallelujah?" |
This song has been in my head since last night, as I heard it coming down from the upstairs neighbors' apartment.... (it was the Rufus Wainwright version off the Shrek soundtrack, in case you were wondering).
Magrittes Pipe
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:06 AM
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1. People were screwing to the "Shrek" soundtrack? |
That's fucking messed up.
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:13 AM
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5. "Paradise City" was next, so I think it was a mix |
I'm thinking of getting some other version (do you have the Cohen one on CD, by chance?) and playing it back to them the next time I hear it coming from above...
Spider Jerusalem
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:06 AM
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Bono did a reasonably decent cover, too. Buckley's was so overdone post-9/11 I don't care if I never hear it again.
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:07 AM
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3. what about dar wiLLiams? |
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:11 AM
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OK, not the same song, I just wanted to put that out there.
(BTW, eyesroll -- LOL!)
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:14 AM
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6. The chorus from Handel's Messiah |
Hand's down. :thumbsup: If one has every been in a chorus and learned the piece (especially the shear exercise it takes to effectively accomplish the notes of the soprano section), one appreciates the beauty of it when it comes together.
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:22 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. Sang it when I was a little treble |
Couldn't quite get up there any longer though.
I give a slight preference to the Hallelujah in the epinicion at the beginning of Saul (also Handel).
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:16 AM
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I had just started listening to the Rufus Wainwright version when I came upon this thread.
Beware the Beast Man
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:31 AM
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9. Be thankful it wasn't "In A Gadda Da Vida" |
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:37 AM
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10. Jeff Buckley. Although I like the choral work on Leonard Cohen's original |
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:37 AM
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11. I love Jeff Buckley and Rufus, but... |
...there are few things that cause me greater happiness than singing the alto part to Handel's Hallelujah chorus. It's just beautiful. Beautiful.
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Thu Jan-20-05 09:48 AM
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:08 AM
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13. stickler for tradition |
I don't know what it is, but when it comes to classical music, im a stickler for the traditional arraingments
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Thu Jan-20-05 10:36 AM
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14. The Movie "The Hallelujah Trail" |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:39 AM
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