Sick: Daddy's got a runny, red, half-closed eye, a runny nose, is sneezing a lot, and is warm & lethargic. Richard is sneezing a lot and I'm waiting for his eye to catch up to Daddy's. I know how they got sick: I started letting them out, Daddy the most. Big Charley, one of the ferals, is sick: both his eyes look like Daddy's right.
Hurt: Ringtail, a feral tortoiseshell, is walking on three legs, her right rear dangling useless. No idea what happened. When I first saw her, I almost threw up. (Not because it's a gross injury -- no blood, no bone sticking out. Just because my meds are working so well now I no longer become hysterical at the sight of a hurt animal, but my psyche had to react somehow. That's my theory, anyway.)
Rowdy: Skittles and li'l Charley, and sometimes Cocoa, who's not quite two, are chasing each other nonstop through the house. They sound like a herd of cattle.
Snow: Harry's outside just digging the snow. He was on the porch a few minutes ago so I opened the door to let him in and he ran off, back into the cold. Silly boy. He's got a thick gray luxuriant coat -- I bet he's got lots of snow cats in his ancestry.
Gotta go call the vet now, see if they make house calls . . . .