So for my birthday, I got the complete package of Zoo Tycoon, including the Marine Mammals and Dinosaur Digs expansion kit. It's a great game and one I heartily endorse. I've really had a fun time developing exhibits for my animals, getting to know some of the exotic ones and making all my virtual critters happy (the animals will act happy when they like their enviornment- the zebras in particular make a very cute giggle and the unicorns make a sound like tinkling bells).
So last night, I'm playing and I started noticing my animals were doing odd things. The animals in this game do the things animals in zoos do- they eat, sleep, poo, give birth, play and tussle with each other. But they also have some very strange behaviors. Here's what I've seen happen:
1) One of my gorillas took a guests' camera or purse
2) One of my pandas killed its mate (in a rather grusome manner)
3) My Bigfeet like breeding in reverse cowgirl fashion
4) My chimps worked together to climb out of their exhibit
5) My mermaids seemed to either seduce or attempt to drown their marine specialist
6) The llamas like to spit on guests (okay, not so weird)
7) Crocodiles will eat flamingoes if you aren't careful (or if you're just fucking around, like I was)
Anyone else notice anything like this in the game?